AfriQA Connect

Deep dive and scalable insight powered by our engaged opinion communities

AfriQA can connect you to the opinion of Africans across the continent.

AfriQA Connect delivers the opinions of Africans across the continent with qualitative research through online focus groups, and quantitative research through online surveys.

If you need to make an informed decision, test a concept, or simply harvest the creative ideas of Africans, AfriQA manages your survey project and empowers you to make the right decisions.


Qualitative research

 AfriQA sets up focus groups online for you to interact directly with the audience of your choice in Africa. We find the right participants for it, manage the invitation and incentive process, and can moderate the interaction with them for you.


Quantitative research

AfriQA manages opinion communities of thousands of highly profiled African respondents, allowing us to script and programme online surveys, and go in field very quickly to collect a high number of responses in record time.


AfriQA delivers

If you already have a survey ready to be sent to respondents, AfriQA delivers a quick and fast turn around sample only service, so that your survey is sent to the engaged members of our communities.


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